We build relationships among the worship leaders and provide opportunities to study and discuss worship-related issues relevant to today's needs.


How do we do this?

  1. Initiating Region-Wide Worship Events

  2. Facilitating seminars, conferences, and workshop opportunities for relevant, worship-related topics that will elevate our worship ministries

  3. Supporting each other and sharing songs, music, conference information etc. via e-mail

  4. Worshipping together, praying for our region and each other, which enhances relationships among the worship leaders of Waterloo-Wellington Region

  5. Monthly gatherings with local worship leaders and pastors.

How Did It All Get Started?

The group began in December of 2002 as four people got together to share about worship in their churches, successes, challenges, and how worship leaders specifically could support one another in prayer. The group has expanded to over 30 churches in Waterloo-Wellington Region.

Are you a worship leader or pastor in the region?
Want to join in our monthly meetings?
Just fill this out and we'll put you on the contact list!


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